Monday, January 16, 2006

Christian Online Gaming Communities

For years, my good friend Peter has been running TOJ - the Tribe of Judah - an online Christian Gaming Clan that has now a part of CGA - the Christian Gamers Alliance . I have seen many people brought in, counseled, and in some cases - just had a lot of fellowship. As it's once been said - guys spend time side by side (games, sports, etc - doing something) and girls spend time face to face (talking/quality time). This has been a great outlet for guys to spend time with other believers that, geographically speaking, they might not get elsewhere. I have been a longtime member (inactive for now) - but I still wholeheartedly support and encourage organizations such as these. Christ said " go into all the world, and make disciples." And, because of today's culture, where it's sometimes acceptable for a 10-12 year old to play a MMORPG for hours on end, these clans are a great tool for going into "their world."

This post isn't without prompting - to my surprise, Penny Arcade had a whole post/ comic about it (link = curse word warning). As with many I don't agree with everything said on Penny Arcade, many times the posts prove insightful. Of course, their posts are many times based on another post. Of course, if you dig enough on that post, you'll learn about an upcoming strategy/action game based on the infamous Left Behind Series.

Truth be told, my chruch will be launching a 100% ONLINE campus later this year. Our church already uses the multi-campus approach, and this will be treated just the same - it's own Campus Pastor, it's own Praise and Worship Band - even a chat area solely open before and after the Experience - just like chatting in the foyer (still in the works)!

Whew! I think I broke my personal record for greatest number of hyperlinks in one post!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Anne Rice - A New Leaf

I almost thought I was reading something from when I first saw this article.  Truth be told, it seems that Anne Rice, the author of a slew of books about Vampires and Witches, has found God.  According to the article, she's returned to the Catholic faith that she abandoned at 18.  I have to say I am sceptically interested in her work, but for now will be working on my copy of When God Prays by Skip Heitzig

You can find the article here, or the printer friendly version (i.e. no ads) here.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Bono, a Christian?

I only recently came around to U2's music when I heard the lyrics to "Pride" aka "In the Name of Love." Believe it or not, I heard it at church. I really liked what this guy had to say about the modern church. It reminds me of Ted Dekker's view. The blog states:

"It is a shame that Bono can so cleary explain grace where so many pastors cannot. Bono contrasts grace and karma. Karma is simply the law: there are consequences to your actions. Grace "interrupts" karma and stops the consequences from happening to you." He has a great way of relating it to the unsaved - the ones that don't understand the Old Testament and sin and sacrifice.

The blogger continues:
"It seems our churches are afraid of grace, afraid to tell their people that there are no consequences to their actions. . . Grace means that the law of karma no longer has control over us (Romans 8:1). No that doesn't excuse the actions – they are still evil – but we don't have to pay for having done them! Bono seems to understand the persuasive power of the true Gospel, even his interviewer saw it and was astounded by it."

I'm open to hear your thougts on this. . . .

You can find the blog I found this on here.

The article he based his post on is here.

The source for the article is this book.

Author's note: This is a republish to get rid of some unwanted spam comments. I will post new material as current events and news prompts me to.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Another note concerning the current Anti-war stance

Recently, I've been reading Rudy Giuliani's book, "Leadership."  In the first chapter, he recalls his reactions and experiences on the day of and days after the September 11th terrorist attacks.  He remembers how he watched someone jump from the higher floors - facing certain death - rather than face the 2000 degree heat of burning plane fuel that blocked his exit.  He talks about the people he personally knew that he lost. 

My question to you is: How did you feel those first few days?  Sure, we all were in shock when we first learned of it.  Personally, my second wave of emotion was a strong sense of justice - to see those involved punished for the actions they had taken.  How many people lost their lives in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?  We've replaced the waves of emotion - the shock, the sadness, the rage, the remorse, the despondency, empathy, and grief - we all felt with the cold, detached number "9/11."

I'm all about healing and moving on, but let us have a healthy remembrance of those Americans lost on that fateful day.  Let us never forget the wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, best friends, and loved ones that unknowingly stepped into eternity that morning.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Finally - an almost non-partisan article on Bush's war stance

Sheehan was quoted as saying "I'm just going to set my butt down on the ground if they tell me to go."  On the contrary, she will fly to California to visit her mother who had a stroke.  I'm not a completely stone hearted, and I'm not going to completely rail the liberal mindset, but if you are going to have a demonstration and commit to staying there until you are met with, than stay there.  I understand her mother may be suffering, but it seems that keeping your word only matters when it's convenient.

I like how they ended the article (italics added):

"If you allow those who are the most vocal and most antagonistic to get a meeting with the president for fear that publicity will hurt you if you don't, you're creating incentives for your critics to become even more antagonistic and more vocal," Fleischer said. "Then, you're forever stuck in: Will you or won't you meet? You'll no longer lead. You'll just wrestle with meetings."

The article is here.

China-Russia war games under way

Russian honour guards march past saluting Chinese and Russian commanders, Aug. 18. 2005
Russian and Chinese commanders laid wreaths at a war memorial

Russian and Chinese armed forces have begun their first joint exercises, involving some 10,000 personnel.

With the withdrawl of Isreal from Gaza this week, closely followed by this, my only thought is "Gee, we really are living in the last days. . ." Don't get me wrong - I'm not the Hellfire-and-
End-Times prophecy nut, but I have a healty appreciation for what the Book of Revelations says in the Bible. And if popular interpretation is true, things are lining up for Christ's return. My reaction: we must utilize the time we have to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. We are doing the people we come in contact with a disservice if we don't.

Worldview with a Twist Official Launch!

This blog is intended as an outlet on my view of worldviews. Instead of cluttering my family/friends blog with charged poitical statements, I will post them here. If your looking for cute pictures and what's going on in my life, go to Eltolad in 3D. If you want a perspective on news that you might not even know about, you're in the right place.